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Please help Mango against FIP

Janine Schiemann


Apr 4, 2022

بضع كلمات من Fundraiser

Mango saw the light of day on 1.4.2010. I held him in my hands right after he was born. As soon as he could walk, he always came to me and was always by my side since then We have a very deep bond. He is part of my little family.

He was diagnosed with FIP on Februar 28th 2022.

He has both the dry and the wet form. It has also reached the eye. The iris is red, the eye cloudy. He has heart murmurs, the spleen is enlarged and he has fluid in his abdomen.

The diagnosis of FIP knocked the bottom out of me.
It would be his death sentence!
Fortunately, nowadays there is a treatment for FIP. And action had to be taken immediately. Every hour counted. I had a choice:
Let him die even though there was still a chance? Or take the chance to save his life!
The answer was clear : save him!
So I started the therapy immediately. But as a single mum I can't afford it. Because it is very expensive!
Therefore I would like to make this appeal for donations for Mango. 
Please help Mango with a donation! Every small donation will help him a little bit!

I want him to see my daughter, soon to be 10 months old, grow up. She should be able to play with him and cuddle him when she is a little older.

She is already always happy to see him and whoops with joy when I let her stroke his back with her hand, which he also likes.

Louis, my second cat, would also miss him enormously. Not to mention me :`(

The vet costs of the last few days are now close to 1'000 CHF, which already put me in a lot of trouble.

But now I have to add a good 2'200€ for the therapy, plus other costs like supplements or vet checks if I want to rid him of the virus.

He could still have a few years ahead of him with the help of the therapy.

It tears my heart out to see him suffer so much and so does the thought of having to put him to sleep, even though there is still a way.

Please help Mango <3 Help me help Mango <3


Please send me an Mail to if you want to help me or check out gofundme:


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raised out of €3,000

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